PinnedVR for Mental Health — Part 3: Post-traumatic stress disorder and depressionA multi-part investigation of evidence-based research into how Extended Reality may address medical challenges.Aug 16, 2022Aug 16, 2022
Social Value Policy Report 2022–2023In 2023 we have been riding a wave of new projects in the medical and wellbeing realm, progressing our self-started XR prototypes towards…Jan 24Jan 24
Iterating unknown vectorsEvery promising idea needs a thorough evaluation at each stage of its development. Discovering ideas and building them…May 30, 20221May 30, 20221
Social Value Policy 2021–2022 reportWe are proud to announce this year’s Social Value report, which documents a range of effective approaches to contextually applying…Nov 19, 2021Nov 19, 2021
Augmenting the continuity of experienceThe digital is an extension of our physical presence, not a replacement.Sep 21, 2021Sep 21, 2021
Aurora: Bringing the Northern Lights to LondonHow we used mobile lidar to offer an immersive collision of natural phenomena and artistic interpretationJan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021
VR for Mental Health — Part 2: Anxiety disordersOutlining the key concepts of VR and anxiety, and examining the contribution of VR in relation to specific anxiety disordersDec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020
VR for Mental Health — Part 1: An overview of VR as mental health interventionExploring ways of understanding how the cutting-edge capabilities of Extended Reality (XR) may help with addressing medical challengesNov 26, 2020Nov 26, 2020